EPISODE 41: TAR FRIM! TAR FRIM! (S03E07 “Revelations”)
“The fact is, there is talk in the Council that you have become a bit too... American.”
Faith's new Watcher, Mrs. Post appears with a flurry of harsh truths and imperialist witticisms in search of a glove with mystical Irish properties. But when Xander discovers Angel is alive, it all goes to H-E-double hockey sticks. De réir Buachaillí na mBuif, is fearr Gaeilge briste ná vaimpír cliste i S03E07 "Revelations".
Key Buffy Bits from this episode include:
The Monstrous Feminine: the double-edged sword of women in the patriarchal Watchers Council
The Xander Harris Hatecast - a podcast within a podcast beneath a veneer of civility over a bed of toxic masculinity
Gwendolyn Post's creative interpretation of Irish language phrases
Willow's transgression and redemptive guilt
"Well, he saved me from a horrible flamey death. That sort of makes me like him again."
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Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/alexheflin
Yours in Slaying,
The Buffy Boys