EPISODE 50: LAND OF THE CLONES (S03E16 “Dopplegangland”)
“now I’m stuck at Sunnydale High. Mortal. Child. And I’m flunking math.”
It's Gay Vampire Christmas as a spell to retrive Anya's magic necklace brings Willow's demonic double to town. Time for some good old fashioned neck lickin', throat slittin' mistaken identity! The Buffy Boys are getting carded at the Bronze for S03E16 "Doppelgangland".
Key Buffy Bits from this episode include:
The trope of 'depraved bisexuals' in the portrayal of mirror selves
"Seeing Double - Four Willows!" - exploring character through farce, disguise and reversal
The fraught power dynamic of the Faith/Mayor father-daughter roleplay
"Hey, you want to go to the Espresso Pump and get sugared up on mochas?"
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Our theme song is an acoustic cover of the Title Theme to Buffy The Vampire Slayer by Alex Heflin (originally by Nerf Herder).
Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/alexheflin
Yours in Slaying,
The Buffy Boys