EPISODE 106: DEADLY KISS (S06E06 "All the Way")

It's the most horrorful night of the year as our erstwhile Key-turned-freshman Dawn steals out into the night to redefine 'necking' with a boy who is so cool he's downright cold. He's dead. The Buffy Boys head to Make-Out Point in S06E06 "All the Way".

Mist, cemetery, Halloween... This should end well
— Giles

It's the most horrorful night of the year as our erstwhile Key-turned-freshman Dawn steals out into the night to redefine 'necking' with a boy who is so cool he's downright cold. He's dead. The Buffy Boys head to Make-Out Point in S06E06 "All the Way".

Key Buffy Bits from this episode include: 

  • Hallowe'en: where gay Christmas meets ancient Irish holiday and our powers are at their strongest

  • Old Man Toy Monster and the machinations of musical misdirection

  • The 00’s reinscription of the humble vampyr

  • "I kiss all the time. Not that I'm a kiss slut."

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Our theme song is an acoustic cover of the Title Theme to Buffy The Vampire Slayer by Alex Heflin (originally by Nerf Herder).

Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/alexheflin

Yours in Slaying,

The Buffy Boys

Buffy Boys