Buffy said if you talked enough, I’m allowed to kill you.
— Dawn to Tucker's Brother

The Summers all-inclusive Potential and Scooby summer camp is open for business. Buffy unspools a razor-sharp plan as Evil lurks among us, y'all. The Buffy Boys play with those little coin operated bus station TVs in S07E11 "Showtime".

Key Buffy Bits from this episode include: 

  • Extradimensional Exegesis: Baljoxa's Expositionary Eye

  • Potential Tokenism and identifying the Chosen by their One personality trait

  • Military-grade Slayer: Welcome to Operation Hellmouth, maggots

  • "If we all do our parts, believe it, we'll be the ones left standing. Here endeth the lesson"

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Our theme song is an acoustic cover of the Title Theme to Buffy The Vampire Slayer by Alex Heflin (originally by Nerf Herder).

Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/alexheflin

Yours in Slaying,

The Buffy Boys

Buffy Boys